Kindergarten Readiness For Families
Helping your child build the foundational skills for success in Kindergarten and beyond.
“Arriving at kindergarten ready to learn is vitally important. Not only has it been shown that children who start behind often stay behind, but adequate kindergarten readiness is also strongly correlated with later achievement.”
-American Academy of Pediatrics
Our Process
1 Assessment
Your child will meet with a learning specialist for a thorough assessment to evaluate kindergarten readiness skills.
2 Education Plan
Families will meet with the specialist to review your child’s strengths and learning goals.
3 Learning Sessions
Your child will engage in individual learning sessions to achieve their learning goals and develop kindergarten readiness.
Meet the Specialist
Liz is a veteran teacher who has taught Preschool, Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade in San Diego and Los Angeles. She has her BA from UCLA, MA in Elementary Education, and Teaching Credential from Loyola Marymount University. She has also studied reading instruction at the Teachers College at Columbia University. In addition, Liz acted as a test administrator for private school admissions for six years providing a unique understanding of what independent schools are looking for.